Fees & Forms:
My fees are $150 – $200/hr.
I can accept a certain amount of insurance clients. I am currently working with Aetna and Anthem PPO networks. I will also submit a super bill to your insurance as an out of network provider. This means that you will pay my fee and then submit the insurance form to be reimbursed a certain portion of my fee. If you would like to use your insurance it would be helpful if you would call your carrier to understand your deductible, co-pay and obtain any necessary authorizations. Although I will assist you in using your insurance benefits it is ultimately your responsibility that I get reimbursed for my services.
It is customary practice to fill out some paperwork prior to seeing a healthcare professional for the first time. This helps me to get to know you better and informs you of my office policy. If it is convenient for you, you can fill out the patient registration form from my website and send it back to me or we can fill it out at my office.
To download the registration form, click on the link below: